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时间:02-09 来源:最新资讯 访问次数:179


# “你太过分了”用英语怎么说"你太过分了" 可以翻译为 "You've gone too far" 或者 "You're being too much"。例句:You've gone too far with your comments, and it's starting to hurt people's feelings.你的评论已经太过分了,开始伤害到人们的感情了。You're being too much by constantly interrupting others during the meeting.你在会议中不断打断别人,真是太过分了。# 为什么不是“You're too over”"You're too over" 在英语中并不是一个常见或自然的表达方式。"Too over" 这个组合似乎有些重复,因为 "too" 本身已经表达了过多或过度的含义。通常,人们更倾向于使用 "too" 或 "over" 中的一个来表达这种情感,而不是将它们组合在一起。正确的表达可能是:"You're too much.""You're overdoing it.""You're over the top."例句:You're too much:When you started singing loudly in the middle of the library, I thought, "You're too much.当你在图书馆大声唱歌的时候,我心想:“你也太过分了。”You're overdoing it:Bringing a full orchestra to a small family dinner is really overdoing it, don't you think?在一个小家庭聚餐带来一支完整的管弦乐队确实太过分了,你不觉得吗?You're over the top:Decorating the entire office with flashing neon lights for a simple birthday celebration is a bit over the top.为了简单的生日庆祝而在整个办公室装上闪烁的霓虹灯,实在是有些过火了。# 英语吵架神句A room temperature IQ.瞧你那跟室温一样高的智商。Can't you do anything right?成事不足,败事有余。Cut it out.省省吧你。Don't bother me.少烦我。Don't give me your shoot.收起你的鬼话。Don't play innocent!别装蒜!If I were to slap you, it would be considered animal abuse!打你都算是虐动物。Knock it off.别跟我来这套。Mind your own business!先管好你自己的事吧!That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!那是我听过的最蠢的事!好啦,今天的分享就到这啦如果喜欢本篇内容点赞、在看、分享、评论鼓励一下作者


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